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I started this blog to give you insight of things you may not know about massage. Often times I hear, "I did not know that." and now you will...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Rhabdo... it's not a pain you just ignore.

Rhabdomyolysis is a condition that results in the death of your muscle cells from a stress (like exercise) that overwhelms the body’s ability to adapt.  

So the following is an article about Crossfit... but I don't think you can just limit that to that particular exercise... there is a such thing as too much exercise no matter what you are doing period. So PLEASE use caution and watch for signs of your body telling you to stop or slow down... don't over do it!!'
Let me also state that Rhabdo is a rare condition... but you CAN induce it by over working your muscles... so please be careful!

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